To Entrust Power to Incapable Persons

To Entrust Power to Incapable Persons

It is narrated by Abu Hurairah (R) that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said: «When trust would be wasted, then wait for the Doomsday». The questioner asked: «How the trust will be wasted? » The Prophet replied: «When the affairs of the government are entrusted to unworthy persons, then wait for the Doomsday». (Bukhari — Kitabul Ilm) Explanation

In this tradition there is a severe warning for those who entrust the reins of the government into the hands of incapable persons. This matter is considered of no significance, though it is a great cause of general corruption and mischief in the world. When the reins of government are given in the hands of incapable persons, they leave no stone unturned in spreading wicked ideas, popularising evil and lewd practices, getting and letting others get haram pro perty, becoming greedy for office and making the nation greedy for it, indulging in oppression and excesses, and in creating and encouraging wicked practices among the people. In their leadership every kind of evil and wicked practice gets full nourishment, and forbidden evils are on the increase. After this, the problem of reforming the people becomes very difficult.

“By incapable persons is meant irresponsible persons, that is those persons who do not consider power a trust from Allah, and who become fearless of Allah and use His trust in a wrong and improper way. In the hadith, power is termed as a trust, because it is a heavy responsibility that has been placed on the ruler, and about which he will have to give an account before Allah. This kind of interpretation is also found in Quran; «Allah commands you to render trusts to those who are worthy of them» (Surah An-Nisa — Verse 58). Doomsday will occur when the human society will reach its nadir of lowness, and the work of pushing the world into this pit of lowness will be performed by these incapable and irresponsible persons in power, backed by the people.”

The Worst Ruler

A’iz bin A’mar (R) narrates that he heard the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) as saying: «The worst rulers are those who crush the people». (Muslim — Kitabul Amarah) Explanation

Government or power is, in reality, a trust given by God, which should be used for the welfare of the people, establishment of justice and balance in society. But those rulers who use power to suppress the rights of the common people and to crush them, they set the worst example, and for this reason they deserve to be condemned.

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