Under the presidency of MIM’s Secretary, B.A. Oozeer, an Eid Day, especially for the inmates of MIM Day Care Centre for People with Disabilities, was organized on Saturday, 27th April 2024, from 10:00 a.m to 12:00 noon. Attended by all the inmates and their parents, as well as a few special invitees, the function was a big success, Alhamdulillah. The major part of the program consisted of recitations from the Holy Quran by the inmates of the DCC. However, to give everyone a chance to participate, a quiz on general knowledge for the inmates and their parents was also held, with prizes awarded.
In between the Quran recitations and the quiz, the Vice-President, A. Tokee, addressed the audience for a few minutes, highlighting the fact that it was the right of the DCC inmates to be offered such an occasion as an Eid Day celebration. The celebration culminated with lunch served to all. But before that, prizes and presents were distributed. Last but not least, it is worthwhile mentioning that the application of mehendi by the inmates among themselves also formed part of the event prior to the official celebration.